jewish stories
The Lulav and Etrog Mission and
How I discovered how much my gas tank actually holds

I was suddenly on a religious errand that took me from Grand Forks North Dakota where I live to 75 miles south to Fargo North Dakota to pickup a Lulav and Etrog for Sukkot from Rabbi Yona Grossman of the Chabad of North Dakota.

I was on a tight schedule as I had my five grandchildren that Sunday morning to make decorations for the Sukkah and also to help assemble it. That was from 10am to 12:30p. I also had promise my son that my wife and I would watch the Redskins game in his man cave at 3:30pm Central time. So I had to drop off the grands at his house at 12:45pm and drive down to Fargo to pickup Lulav and Etrog by 2pm.

On arriving at the home of Rabbi Yona and his wife Esti we met Rabbi's mother and sister who were visiting and helping with the new baby that had been born the week before. We were announced by Rabbi's Mom as Bubbe and Zayde Leichter. We schmoozed for about an hour having family photos taken with the proud parents and Rabbi showing me the progress he was making on the large Sukkah that he was building. By the time we left their home it was already 3:15pm.

I got back on I-29 north heading back to Grand Forks while listening to the Redskins v Tampa Bay game on Sirius Satelite Radio. I made it 40 mile up the road when I suddenly noticed my instrument panel and how many miles to go to refuel and it indicated zero miles. As it was I was a half mile south of the exit to Hillsboro. As I exited there the car ran out of gas, but since I was traveling at about 50 MPH I put it in neutral and glided through the stop sign at end of the ramp, made a right turn and glided down the hill to the gas station on the left, right up to the pump.

My Gas Tank actually holds 19.5 gallons.

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